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for schools

Get personalized, one-on-one financial aid guidance for your students. From FAFSA and scholarships to state and institutional aid, Mos can help.

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1 million students helped

students helped

$3,000 average additional aid awarded

average additional aid awarded

7 billion in scholarships

in scholarships

For high schools

Largest private scholarship database in the US, with 21,000 scholarships worth over $7 billion. Personalized matching so students only see the right ones.

Negotiation coaching to increase the amount of grants and scholarships students receive from their prospective and committed colleges, and minimize loans.

Dedicated 1:1 support on FAFSA, special circumstances, or whatever else students need, whenever they need.

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For college

financial aid offices

Massive database of private scholarships worth $7 billion, plus instant, accurate matching.

Exhaustive research on financial aid sources, maximizing the federal, state, public charity, and institutional aid received.

Comprehensive guidance through the financial aid process, from submitting FAFSA to paying tuition bills and any special circumstances that may arise.

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satisfied student
Angel got $5,100 for USD
satisfied student
Maya got $25,314 for UTK
satisfied student
Ashlynn got $7,000 for DRAKE
satisfied student
Omar got $16,050 for Jefferson
satisfied student
Deena got $6,495 for MSU
satisfied student
Mario got $9,084 for CBU
satisfied student
Jasmine got $12,237 for Cal Poly
satisfied student
Dominic got $9,550 for UMD
satisfied student
Hannah got $1,000 for U of A
satisfied student
Alex got $2,000 for Saint John’s



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